Field Stone Cottage Blog

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Easter continues!

I know its almost two weeks ago now but my thoughts are still focused on Easter. My grasp of what our Saviour did for me has somehow been expanded this year. Now, don't misunderstand. It is not like I didn't understand before what the impact of His crucifixion and resurrection is on my life. But there is a new level of gratitude on my part, a new desire to meditate on that impact. I found searching for my contribution to Rebecca's Poetry of the Cross each day during Holy Week particularly satisfying. I read the poetry at other blogs with special interest. And I must confess, that as Easter Sunday drew to a close I could only think to myself "That's it? Its over?" So I was grateful to find the link to RevEd at Hiraeth. I was delighted to sing Christ the Lord is Risen Today this past Lord's Day at our worship service. And I was pleased by Rosemary's comment on my post of that hymn that her pastor also mentioned the weekly celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Its not over! I don't have to give up contemplating Easter! In fact, I need to remain focused on the finished work of Christ each and every day of my life if I am going to love the Lord my God with all my heart and all my soul and with all my mind (Matthew 22:37-38).

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