Field Stone Cottage Blog

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Its Thursday and Kim, Carol and I gathered this afternoon for our Hebrews study. Actually, we were in the book of Judges today, studying Samson. We're technically in Hebrews 11 in verses 32-38 but we've divided up the heroes of the faith mentioned in those verses to study them individually in a bit more depth and then report back to the group placing those men on the grid of that passage. Its been so fascinating to do it this way! I'm thankful for all I've learned throughout the study of Hebrews and the way this book has allowed me to see the entire Word of God (and God Himself) with an expanded view. I'm also so very thankful for Kim and Carol and the way God has knit us together through this study. Thank you, Lord!

I'm returning to my Thankful Thursday posts, initiated by Kim of The Upward Call. I wouldn't want to give up the blessings of shared thanksgiving to our gracious God now...or ever!


rosemary said...

That does sound like an interesting way to study Hebrews 11!

Lisa Spence said...

Thankful also for friends! And for sisters who come alongside in the study of God's Word. And for the book of Hebrews! Good stuff, here, Dorothy. Thanks for posting your thanks!