Field Stone Cottage Blog

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I've got a list of things that I'm thankful for today!
  1. I'm thankful that Andy was able to work from home again this past Tuesday. That's the usual routine but the last couple of weeks saw one complication after another arise for him at work which translated to his having to go in to the office on those days. So I especially enjoyed having lunch with him at home this past Tuesday.
  2. I'm thankful for my dear friend, Kim! She and I have the best conversations and share many similar interests and points of view. But most importantly, she's a dear sister in Christ who spurs me on to love and good deeds.
  3. I'm thankful for Emily and her willingness to help with whatever is needing to be done. She helps Andy with snow removal every time it snows, especially since my hip has been so painful. Yesterday, we cleaned house together in preparation for prayer meeting last night. And she faithfully takes Charlie out several times a day. But its not just the labor that I'm thankful for. I'm thankful because she does it out of a loving spirit of service.
  4. And I'm thankful for warmer temperatures and sunny days this week. Today it was 42 degrees when Charlie and I took a nice, lingering walk around the neighborhood. Spring is really coming!
What are you thankful for today? I am joining Kim of the Upward Call and several others in posting the things I'm thankful for each Thursday of this year. Please join us in giving glory to God for His good gifts to us.


rosemary said...

Daughters and sons who help us from a heart of willing service are truly gifts from God! And a temp of 42 degrees sounds mighty nice!

Lisa notes... said...

I'm thankful that I visited your blog tonight. I always enjoy your Thankful Thursday posts. I'm also thankful that my mother's dermatologist appointment this week turned out that she has NO skin cancer that I was fearing. Thank you, Lord!

Dorothy said...

Lisa, I am so glad to hear your mother's good medical news!

John said...

Lots to be thankful for...I'm thankful for the warmer temperatures, too.

Lisa writes... said...

I love how the gratitude of others spurs my own!