Field Stone Cottage Blog

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Month of Thankfulness: Day Fifteen

I am thanking God that today's weather was a bit warmer and with less precipitation than was forecast. Just yesterday, the weather people were predicting a high of 36 degrees with a 30 percent chance of snow flurries. We ended up with a high of 42 degrees and just the barest hint of a flurry or two. Our plan was to get out there and clean the gutters, put leaf mulch on the roses and other flower beds and finish raking whatever leaves we didn't use for the mulch. We were outside and working by 9:00 AM and didn't quit until 2:00 PM! So we are very thankful for the few extra degrees of warmth and the absence of measurable precipitation. And the chores? Well, Andy got the gutters cleaned and we got the roses all cocooned in their leaf mulch. The other flower beds are not quite as "mulchy" as we want and there are still a few more leaves on the ground. But its only the 15th so we are hoping for a few more days of relative warmth to finish tucking the yard in for the season.

Rebecca is posting our thankful thoughts each day of the month of November. Go visit her to contribute yours and see what others are thankful for.

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